Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Google Anniversary Winner!! (your email have won £500,000 GBP)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 25 Maret 2009 10:55
Subject: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 11.40/10.0] Attn: Google Anniversary Winner!! (your email have won £500,000 GBP)

Dear Sir/Madam,
This mail is to notify you that you have been selected as a winner to
receive the sum of £500,000 British Pounds
in our on-going Google anniversary lotto draws.
Your email address was attached to the following winning numbers that made
you one of our 10lucky winners for this year draw :
Ticket number:00869575733664,
Serial numbers:BTD/8070447706/06,
Lucky numbers:12-12-23-35-40-41(12)

For more details and how to claim your prize,contact the processing agent
(Mr Francis Henson) with the email addresses below
by sending your winning numbers,full names, sex and location.
Agent E-mail(s):,
Wishing you goodluck as you'll spend your


This message
was sent using Dodo Webmail -

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