From: asprinet@6221.net [mailto:asprinet@6221.net]
Sent: 24 Januari 2008 3:19
Subject: Piping System and Reservoir Engineering and Control Valve Operation
Berikut kami informasikan 5 topik Training dari situs www.6221.net (PT Asprinet Indonesia) :
1. Piping System and Piping Integryty With ASME B31 Codes
Monday, 18-2-2008 - Friday, 22-2-2008 (5 days) [Training01]
2. Basic Reservoir Enginnering
Monday, 18-2-2008 - Friday, 22-2-2008 (5 days) [Training02]
3. Control Valve Operation, Selection and Maintenance
Monday, 18-2-2008 - Friday, 22-2-2008 (5 days) [Training03]
4. Pipe & Pipeline Technology
Monday, 18-2-2008 - Friday, 22-2-2008 (5 days) [Training04]
5. Control Valve : Fundamental Concepts, Selection and Maintenance
Tuesday, 19-2-2008 - Friday, 22-2-2008 (4 days) [Training05]
Seminar Description :
Piping System and Piping Integryty With ASME B31 Codes
Date :
Monday, 18-02-2008 until Friday, 22-02-2008
08:00 - 16:00
Venue :
Holiday Inn Hotel
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 33
Bandung, Indonesia
Fee :
Rp 6.750.000,-
Seminar/Conference Description :
The Piping Systems & Pipeline Code establishes rules of the design, inspection, maintenance and repair of piping systems and pipelines throughout the world. The objective of the rules is to provide a margin for deterioration in service. This course will center on the on the practical aspects of piping and pipeline design, integrity, maintenance and repair.
Objectives :
• The Participant will gain an in-depth knowledge of pipe and fitting material specifications, fabrication process and influence on mechanical properties of strength and toughness, to help in material selection and failure analysis.
• The participant will understand the technical background to the design equations, and their application to the design of piping systems and pipelines. The course addresses rules of good practice in layout of piping systems for reliable operation.
• The participant will gain a practical understanding of piping and pipeline corrosion mechanisms, how to recognize them, classify them and resolve them.
• The participant will be introduced to the latest techniques and research in piping and pipeline integrity to analyze a degraded condition due to either corrosion or mechanical damage.
• The participants will review case histories of field failures and will evaluate their cause and solutions to avoid recurrence.
Who Should Attend? :
• Piping Engineers
• Mechanical Engineers
• Maintenance Engineers and supervisors
• Service Engineers and supervisors
• Workover engineers and supervisors
• Plant Engineers
• Petroleum Engineers
Speaker :
DR. Ir. I.G.N. Wiratmaja Puja
has 16 years continuous mechnanical engineering experience in failure and stress analysis, mining machinery and design as well as mechanical drawing and has been a consulting engineering expert in machinery and equipment maintenance for PT. Tambang Batubara Tanjung Enim, KONDUR Petroleum and PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. He also has served as an in-company training instructor for several major oil and gas companies such as PT. Badak LNG, PT. Freeport Indonesia, VICO and PT. Timah Tbk. Mr. Wiratmaja has authored numerous publications and presentations related to mechanical engineering and mining machinery. He holds a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky, USA.
Outline :
1. Introduction
o History of Pipeline Technology
o ASME Codes and Standards
o API Standards
o NACA, MSS-SP, PFI Standards
o Fundamentals of Maintenance and Integrity
2. Materials
o API 5Land ASTM Specifications
o Practical Aspects of Metallurgical Properties
o Chemistry and Material Test Reports
o Fabrication of Line Pipe and Forged Fittings
o Mechanical Properties: Strength and Toughness
3. Welding
o Overview of Pipe and Pipeline Welding Practice
o API 1104 and ASME IX Requirement
o Welding In-service: Challenge and Solutions
4. Integrity for Sustained Loads
o Operating and Design Pressure
How to Establish the System Design Pressure
Introduction to Pressure Relief Valves
Pipe and Pipeline Sizing Formula with Applications
Rules of Good Practice in layout
Pump and Compressor Piping
How to Support a piping System
Review of Support Types and their Application
Lesson learned from Poor Support Practices
o Temperature Effects
Flexibility Layout Analysis
Temperature Transients and Fatigue Damage
o Vibration In Service
Mechanical and Hydraulic Induced Vibration in Piping
How to Measure Analyze Resolve Vibration
5. Integrity for Occasional Loads
o Pressure Transients
Recognizing and Solving Liquid Hammer
Pump Station Transients
Study of Pipeline Failures Due to Transient
Two-Phase Liquid -Vapor Transients
Two-Phase Liquid-Gas Transients
Gas Discharge Transients
o Buried Pipe
Soil Loads
Surface Loads
Expansion of Buried Pipe
Soil settlement
n-service Movement of Pipeline
o Pipeline Failures
Study Case Histories
Understanding Why Failures Occur and How to Avoid Them
6. Piping System Maintenance
o Flange and Mechanical Joints
Overview of Different Types of Flanges and Application
Gasket of Bolt Selection
Causes of Flange Leaks and How to Resolve
Case Study of Flange Failure
Assembly of Flange Joints and Leak Tightness
o Pressure and Leak Testing
The Difference Between Leak Testing and Pressure Testing
Review of Difference Testing Techniques
The Purpose of Hydro test
How to Conduct a Hydro test
Pipeline and Piping Systems Testing
Pneumatic Testing
o Repair Techniques
The New ASME Repair Standards
The Fundamentals of Repair package
Pipe and Component Replacement
Grinding and welding
Welded Sleeve: Type A and B
7. Corrosion, Assessment and Repairs Corrosion
o Introduction to Practical Corrosion
o Classification of Corrosion Mechanisms
o General Wall Thinning
o Local Corrosion: Galvanic Effects
o Crevice Corrosion
o Pitting Corrosion
o Environmental Effects
o Hydrogen and H2S Effects
o Microbiological Corrosion
o Corrosion Protection
o Cathodic Protection Overview
8. Michanicel Damage To Pipelines
o Dents and Gouges
o Ripples and Buckles
9. Fitness-for-Service Overview
o Application of ASME B31G to Determine Remaining Life
o Application of API 579 to General and Local Corrosion
o Analysis of Dents and Gouges in Pipelines
o How to Evaluate Cracks in Piping and Pipelines
10. Repair Techniques
Basic Reservoir Enginnering
Date :
Monday, 18-02-2008 until Friday, 22-02-2008
08:30 - 17:00
Venue :
Grand Hyatt Regency Hotel
Jl. Sumatera No. 15 14001
Bandung, Indonesia
Fee :
Rp 7.500.000,-
Seminar/Conference Description :
Course Objective
This course provides a basic introduction and overview of the subject. It is particularly aimed at entry level engineers who are to become involved in the technical aspects of hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir production. The course would also benefit geologists and petrophysicists requiring an introduction to reservoir and production engineering principles.
Course Description
The course addresses the essential and principal issues of geology, reservoir properties, fluid flow mechanisms, material balance, well completion, and production operations. It emphasizes the need for a multi-disciplinary, integrated approach as the key to the efficient management of the reservoir. The course described below is intended to be given over a period of four days training. Some of the topics covered provide an overview or review of topics handled in other, more specialized and focused training courses.
Who Should Attend? :
Petroleum, production engineers, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers
Speaker :
1. Taufan Marhaendrajana, Ir., Dr.
Assistant Professor at Petroleum Engineering Department ITB
Taufan Marhaendrajana, is an Assistant Professor of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung. His researches include production optimization, retrograde gas (condensate) reservoir, coalbed methane, tight gas reservoir, well performance analysis, and well testing. Previously he worked at Schlumberger, Sugar Land, USA from 1999 to 2002 and the last position he served is as senior reservoir engineer. He earned a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1991. He obtained Master and Doctoral degrees from Texas A&M University in 1995 and 2000, respectively. He has been also actively involved in ITB consultant projects for oil and gas up-stream ventures including plan of development, production optimization, fluid modelling and PVT analysis, and reserve certification.
2. Sutopo, Dr. Ir.
Ahli dalam Materials Science.
Outline :
Reservoir Geology
• Minerals; rock types
• Depositional environments
• Origin and migration of oil
• Accumulation and reservoir traps
Reservoir Rock Properties
• Porosity, permeability, fluid saturations
• Multiple fluids
• Capillary pressure & relative permeability
• Measurement of rock properties
Reservoir Fluid Properties
• Fluid composition
• Phase behavior at reservoir conditions
• Oil, gas & water properties
• Fluid sampling procedures
• Laboratory PVT analysis
• Surface separator facilities
Volumetric Determination
• Reservoir volume
• Oil & gas in place
• Ultimate recovery
Material Balance
• Expansion of hydrocarbon, rock & water
• Water influx
• General material balance equation
Reservoir Drive Mechanisms
• Natural drives: solution gas, gas cap, and water drive mechanism
• Artificial drives: water and gas injection
Fluid Flow in Porous Rock
• Radial flow and Darcys law; linear flow
• Steady & pseudo steady state flow
• Transient flow: solutions to radial diffusively equation
• Inflow performance relationship
Control Valve Operation, Selection and Maintenance
Date :
Monday, 18-02-2008 until Friday, 22-02-2008
08:30 - 17:00
Venue :
Holiday Inn Hotel
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 33
Bandung, INA
Fee :
Rp 7.950.000,-
Seminar/Conference Description :
Valves are, unquestionably, the most important part of any piping and pumping system because they direct the flow of fluids and regulate temperatures. Properly used and maintained, they can improve process efficiency and lower costs. It is wise to apply the basics of proper valve maintenance in ways that improve their life cycle and operating efficiency. Here are eight often-overlooked valve maintenance basics that can help you do just that.
Five years ago, the management at Vulcan Chemicals, a business group of Vulcan Materials Company, commissioned a study to identify components representing high annual maintenance costs. The outcome: instead of expected high-ticket items like heat exchangers and pumps gobbling up dollars, it was determined that valves and piping represented up to 80% of the maintenance budget's allocations in certain cost centres.
The study indicated annual potential savings of up to $500,000 in valve replacement costs alone if a program could be developed to guide purchasing and improve maintenance procedures.
Who Should Attend? :
• Instrumentation Engineers & Technicians
• Design and Process Engineers
• Operation, Piping, Mechanical and Plant Engineers
• Maintenance Technician and supervisors
• Service Engineers and supervisors
• Work over engineers and supervisors
• Asset Manager Team members
• Everybody who are responsible for selecting, purchasing, or repairing control valves.
Speaker :
Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Dr.-Ing, Ir, MSc, DIC, IPM
Dr.-Ing. Ir. Yul YunazwinNazaruddin, MSc, DIC, IPM is a distinguished professor with over fifteen years of unique diverse academic experiences in advance electrical instruments, intelligent adaptive control, programmable logic controller, and advance control system. In the past 15 years, Mr. Yul consulted and coordinated projects for various major world oil and service companies such as PT. HUFFCO, PT. Badak LNG, PT. TOTAL Indonesie, ARCO, PT. Caltex Indonesia, Pertamina, PT. Conoco Indonesia, PT. Siemens Indonesia, PT. Krakatau Steel, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, Soekarno Hatta International Airport, PT. Jaya Ancol, and Hasan Sadikin Hospital. He received his M.Sc. and DIC in Electrical Engineering Control from Imperial College of Science and Technology, England. He also holds Dr.-Ing. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Ruhr-University, Germany.
Outline :
1. Control Valve :
Preface, Components and function of valve body, Type of valve according stem movement, Types of plug, Plug guiding, Characteristics flow of control valve, Valve and its characteristics, Design features and considerations
2. Actuator and Positioner :
Function and selection criteria of actuator, Diaphragm and piston actuator, Type of actuator action, Electrical actuator, Function, objective and location of positioner, Positioner action
3. Accessories for Control Valve:
Hand wheels or operator manual, Snubber, Limit switch, Supply pressure regulator, Booster relay, Fail safe system, On-off relays
4. Control Valve Selection:
Information for selection of control valve, Materials of control valve, Corrosion resistance material, Selection of flow characteristics,
5. Control Valve Sizing:
Preface, Flow capacity coefficient, Liquid service, Cavitations and flashing, Choked flow, Damages due to cavitations and flashing, How to avoid corrosion and cavitations on control valve, Cavitations index, Gas or steam service, Gas sizing universal, Sizing for mixing gas-liquid, Actuator sizing, Actuator for sliding and rotary stem valve, Valve sizing using software
6. Valve Problems and Maintenance Activities:
Noise in valve, Noise Control, Fluid behaviors, Problems in control valve and its solution, Maintenance problems of control valve, Troubleshooting analysis, Hands-on activities
7. Practical examples, problems solvings and sizing excersise using software
Pipe & Pipeline Technology
Date :
Monday, 18-02-2008 until Friday, 22-02-2008
08:30 - 16:00
Venue :
Hotel Majesty Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia
Fee :
Rp 4.950.000,-
Seminar/Conference Description :
Dalam lingkungan pertambangan minyak bumi dan gas bumi peranan pipa sangat besar sekali pengaruhnya dalam menentukan operasional dan produktivitas tambang. Untuk pekerjaan pengeboran maupun distribusi minyak bumi dan gas memerlukan jenis pipa dengan karakteristik khusus yang mampu menahan tekanan tinggi baik dari dalam pipa maupun dari luar pipa. Selain itu dibutuhkan juga pengetahuan mengenai penggambaran pipa, penggambaran jalur pipa berikut simbol, pengujian pipa dan pemilihan pompa serta kompressor yang tepat. Melalui pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan para peserta, mengenai : Perpipaan, Jenis Pipa, Komponen-komponen untuk kelengkapan Instalasi Pipa, termasuk cara Menggambar dan Membaca Gambar Flow Diagram, P&ID, dan Spool. Mampu menghitung dalam menentukan Debit, Penurunan Tekanan Operasi, serta memilih ukuran Pipa. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Perawatan Sirkuit Pemipaan, cara menguji pipa dan korosi serta pemeliharaan Pompa dan Kompresor.
Who Should Attend? :
Supervisor, Filed Engineer, dan tenaga lapangan lainnya.
Speaker :
1. Nana Suryana, Ir.
2. Slamet Sucipto, Drs., MT.
Outline :
• Proses Minyak Mentah, dan Proses LNG
• Gambar Site Plant, Flow Diagram, P&ID, dan Spool
• Jenis Pipa, Flanges, Katup, Fitting, dan O let
• Simbol Perpipaan, dan metode penyambungan Perpipaan
• Jenis, dan Simbol Katup
• Dimensi-dimensi Pipa, Flanges, Katup, Fitting, dan O let
• Gambar Orthogonal, Isometrik, dan Gambar Spool Pemipaan
• Penulisan Data pada jalur Pemipaan, dan perhitungan panjang Pipa
• Penyangga Pemipaan Statik / Dinamik, dan Perlengkapan Penyangga
• Alat Pengukur pada Instalasi Pemipaan, dan Sistem Tracing
• Pengujian fisik Pemipaan, dan Korosi pada Pemipaan
• Menentukan Debit, dan Penurunan Tekanan Fluida Non-kompresibel dalam Pipa
• Menentukan Debit, dan Penurunan Tekanan Fluida Kompresibel dalam Pipa
• Pompa, dan Kompresor
Control Valve : Fundamental Concepts, Selection and Maintenance
Date :
Tuesday, 19-02-2008 until Friday, 22-02-2008
08:00 - 16:00
Venue :
Papandayan Hotel
Jl. Gatot Subroto 83
Bandung, Indonesia
Fee :
Rp 5.450.000,-
Seminar/Conference Description :
Valves are, unquestionably, the most important part of any piping and pumping system because they direct the flow of fluids and regulate temperatures. Properly used and maintained, they can improve process efficiency and lower costs. It is wise to apply the basics of proper valve maintenance in ways that improve their life cycle and operating efficiency. Here are eight often-overlooked valve maintenance basics that can help you do just that.
Five years ago, the management at Vulcan Chemicals, a business group of Vulcan Materials Company, commissioned a study to identify components representing high annual maintenance costs. The outcome: instead of expected high-ticket items like heat exchangers and pumps gobbling up dollars, it was determined that valves and piping represented up to 80% of the maintenance budget's allocations in certain cost centres.
The study indicated annual potential savings of up to $500,000 in valve replacement costs alone if a program could be developed to guide purchasing and improve maintenance procedures.
• Identify configurations and operation of control valve accessories
• Troubleshoot control valve equipment failure
• Fundamentals of control valve design, construction, selection and maintenance techniques
• Actuator and positioner design, review the features and benefits of control valve in a practical exercise
• Identify different types and designs of control valves, actuator and positioners, and describe how they work
• Several hours at laboratory work, allowing participants to complete hands-on activities with the instructors.
Speaker :
Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Dr.-Ing, Ir, MSc, DIC, IPM
Dr.-Ing. Ir. Yul YunazwinNazaruddin, MSc, DIC, IPM is a distinguished professor with over fifteen years of unique diverse academic experiences in advance electrical instruments, intelligent adaptive control, programmable logic controller, and advance control system. In the past 15 years, Mr. Yul consulted and coordinated projects for various major world oil and service companies such as PT. HUFFCO, PT. Badak LNG, PT. TOTAL Indonesie, ARCO, PT. Caltex Indonesia, Pertamina, PT. Conoco Indonesia, PT. Siemens Indonesia, PT. Krakatau Steel, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, Soekarno Hatta International Airport, PT. Jaya Ancol, and Hasan Sadikin Hospital. He received his M.Sc. and DIC in Electrical Engineering Control from Imperial College of Science and Technology, England. He also holds Dr.-Ing. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Ruhr-University, Germany.
Outline :
1. Control
o Introduction to Control Valve
o Components and Functions of Control Valve
o Various Types of Valves and Plugs
o Characteristics of Valves
o Characteristics of Flows
o Installation Techniques and Procedures
2. Actuator and Positioner
o Functions and Selecting the Appropriate of Actuators
o Piston and Diaphragm Actuators
o Actuator Mechanism and Actuator List
o Electronic Actuators Function and Purpose
o Where to Place Positioner
o Positioner Mechanism
3. Accessories for Control Valve
o Handwheels
o Snubber
o Limit Switch
o Supply Pressure Regulator
o Boost Relay
o Actuator Fail Safe System
o On-off Relays and more
4. Control Valve Selection
o Fundamental Techniques to Select Control Valve
o Control Valve Materials; Corrosive-proof Materials
o Selecting Flow Capacity
5. Control Valve Sizing
o Introduction to Sizing Methods
o Coefficient of Flow Capacity
o Liquid Service
o Cavitation and Flashing
o Damage Cause by Cavitation and Flashing ? How to Avoid them?
o Cavitation Index
o Gas and Steam Service Procedures
o Sizing Universal Equations
o Seat Leak Clasification
o Nature of Fluids
6. Maintenance
Untuk pendaftaran atau informasi lebih lengkap, silahkan hubungi
Sdr. Randy, Sdri. Tety atau Sdri. Yanthi di
T. (021) 719 1612 (Hunting)/ 719 9555 (Hunting)
F. (021) 719 9552
Untuk informasi seminar & training lainnya kunjungi : www.6221.net
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